You love your book. But do your readers love it? Are they able to enjoy reading it as much you enjoyed writing it?
If yes, great for you. This article will probably help you improve your book a little more. If not, then do not worry, this article will help you understand why readers particularly love certain books and you can implement these tips to make your book a reader's favorite.
Let's look at few tips.
1) The Title - This is not only one of the first things that catches a reader's attention but also one of the deciding factors that makes a reader decide if they want to read your book or not.
Some titles are short, some are of moderate length and some are long. However, it is not the length of the title that matters but the ring that it has to it.
The title should be catchy and something that will stay in the mind for a long time. Don't try to make it excessively fancy because then people will find it difficult to pronounce it. This can backfire and alienate them from your book.
Have you noticed that some book titles are quite random and have no relation with the story itself? Such titles can work in favor of already established authors, but if a new author tries to use such a title, then it might not work. It is better to use relevant titles that tickle the curiosity of the reader.
If you really want to use a fancy title and are ready to take a risk, then try to use a metaphorical one.
2) The Characters - More often than not, what new authors tend to do is write black and white characters. These characters are either completely goody-goody two shoes or the horrible, evil, villains. No one likes such characters because they are not relatable. People have shades of both black and white in them; no one is entirely good or bad.
Other characters to avoid are the stereotypical ones. You know who they are. Not only are they cringe worthy but also highly offensive. No one should be stereotyped. It's absolutely not the right thing to do.
Create characters that are likeable. Make them relatable. You can do this by giving them both good and bad traits. Give them a skill. List out their likes and dislikes. Let them commit mistakes. Give them vulnerabilities and strengths.
3) Cliffhangers - They are important but don't overdo them. Cliffhangers in every chapter will surely make the readers read the book till the end but they will also get frustrated. Maybe the thrill will wear off eventually. Space the cliffhangers out. Maybe one every three or four chapters.
4) Plot - Don't make your plot a predictable one. If the reader is able to guess what happens or if the plot is not moving ahead and every chapter just seems like a filler chapter, then it takes only a minute for a reader to put your book aside and classify it as a boring one. Think of a unique storyline. If you're using an overdone plot, then try to cater it to your unique style.
5) Fancy writing - Some authors believe that the more fancy their writing is and the more number of difficult words they use, the better it will be perceived. This belief is harmful for the writer. In the long run, readers will start avoiding the writer’s books because reading such books is a tiresome chore and not fun at all. You do not have to show off your extensive vocabulary.
Some authors tend to use an excessive number of metaphors to the point that nothing even makes any sense.
Personally, I call this type of writing 'flowery writing'. Majority of the readers despise this kind of writing. People tend to get tired and frustrated if they have read this page after page.
Therefore, do not force yourself to sound metaphorical and fancy. Use these with necessity and not as a compulsion.
6) Plot holes - If you have taken the time to plot and outline your book, then there won't be many plot holes. Sometimes, plot holes will erupt of nowhere in the middle of chapters. Take care of these, too.
Once you are done writing your book, let it rest for a few days or weeks and then go back and read it all over again. This is the best way to catch any mistakes and find any plot holes.
These were the basic points that I wanted to touch upon. What you can do is, think of your favorite books, and make a list of all the things that you loved and all the things that you hated about them. Now go over this list and check if you have included any of these hated things in your own book.
The logic is simple; if you like what you write, your readers will like what they read.
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This article is written by Kulsum. Kulsum is the bestselling author of The Bleeding Wounds Series on Amazon Kindle. Her debut novel Love of a Stranger is published globally.
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