Chasing Butterflies in the days of War
SKU: 1677
₹249.00 Regular Price
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This title is built up of a collection of short stories, of which several have been nominated for awards. The stories, set mostly on the Asian culture, all carry the sense of a dark resonance. Some explore themes of catastrophe, death and despair, while others talk of love and longing, with them all being highly complimented by readers with emotive writing skills. The short story'Donkey-Man' is about a man who lived all his life among animals and writer as a child, is surprised to know that he was a human. The story "In Search of God' a character who is confused by different religious sect defines God in his own simple way. Although some of these stories do deal with rather gloomy thoughts of life, they are all written in such a way that the stories told are interesting to read and really do make you think. This collection of short stories is definitely an interesting read with some of the questionable topics not always being fully answered. And with many of the stories covering such dark subjects you will truly find it a hard book to put down.
Author Name
Muhammad Nasrullah KhanReturn and Refund Policy
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