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Itinerantur AR Issue

Itinerantur AR Issue

SKU: 9788194435945
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Itinerantur is one of the first of its kind Augmented Reality Enabled travel magazine of Ukiyoto Publishing aimed at identifying and selecting the best travellers across the world who have the passion to learn, see and experience various destinations and inspire or motivate others to follow their dreams.The features include celebrity travellers, solo travellers, travel-preneurs, individuals chasing their travel dreams and passionate writers from various parts of the world with travel features as exotic as Antarctica. The Introduction in the magazine contains a QR Code which redirects to the FREE AR App to be downloaded. Once done, the readers may scan the pages marked as AR Enabled with the downloaded App and enjoy unique AR Experiences while browsing through the pages.

This issue was launched in the city of Bukhara, Uzbekistan in 2020. Known to be Central Asia’s holiest city, this ancient location was a prominent stop on the Silk Road trade route between the East and the West.

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